Services Offered
The following are offered free of charge although help with accommodation and travelling expenses would be welcome.
- Do you want help writing your book?
- Do you want to help with editing it?
- Do you want it published but don’t know how to go about it? A free critique is provided.
Public Speaking
Available to speak to any group on a wide variety of topics – Rotary Clubs, Probus, church groups, U3A, annual dinners of various organisations.
Recent topics include:
- Writing and publishing books
- Political Correctness Gone Mad
- Life after the Match (a humorous look at retirement)
- The story of my life
- My Trial with Prostate Cancer
- Other topics as negotiated
Anywhere, anytime, whatever the denomination
Writing Seminars
(i) The power of the written word
(ii) How to get inspiration
(iii) Writing to make a difference
(iv) Challenges
(v) Hot tips
(vi) From manuscript to finished product.
(vii) Keys to writing non-fiction